Parisa Karamnezhad

Parisa was born in Tabriz in 1981. She took his first steps in the art world at an early age. She was interested in painting first. 

Later on, in her younger years, besides painting, she attended various cultural and artistic fields such as theatre, literature, hockey, skating, singing lessons and voice training, photography. However, painting and photography took a more prominent place in her life. At the age of fourteen, she won the first prize in the field of drawing portrait at the festival held in Tabriz. Parisa, who is also keen on modern art styles, started to add her modern style paintings to her art archive.

She received the title of “Best female photographer in Tabriz” in 1998 due to her achievements and was appointed as a founding member in the first board of trustees of Photography Institution of Tabriz by the Ministry of Culture of Tabriz.

In 2007, upon the invitation of Tabriz University, she started teaching photography. In 2008, she organized a national seminar on architecture and photography at the Culture and Art Institution of Tabriz for the Kandovan Project. Since 2011, she has been continuing her art life in Istanbul to develop her art projects. In 2012, she created her art style named “Combining Several Technique”, which is a combination of painting and photography in her art workshop.

She published five books by different institutions in the field of photography. In addition, she has been preparing a book of short stories inspired by her dreams which she wrote since his childhood.

Parisa has held 39 solo and group exhibitions on photography, painting and sculpture so far. She won the first prize in 17 different national and international festivals she attended. Her artworks were exhibited in Hong Kong, Germany and at PSA and FIP festivals in England. In 2012, she won the Honorable Mention in Mersin International Photography Contest in Turkey. She won first prize and won a gold medal at the International Rock Festival held in Serbia. In 2009, she succeeded to be among the UNESCO artists.

Parisa has developed a new art style with her unique method that she has been working on for years and the special art technique she has developed in her artworks. The artworks she created with this technique are based on pre-written and fictionalized scenarios. In the photographic scene prepared for each work, a background picture is designed in an area of five square meters according to the setup of the artwork. Afterwards, a dress is designed by the artist according to the fiction for the actor/actress in the scenario of the artwork. As a result of stage preparations for about a month for each work, the desired setup is obtained. After the photo frames are taken and printed on the stage, preparations are made for the

final painting process. These artworks, which are prepared with a unique technique, are created as a result of the wonderful combination of painting and photography by using various materials. This art style is made with a mixed art technique, unique to Parisa.

Parisa opened Art Parisa Gallery in Istanbul in 2018. Thus, Parisa continues to organize exhibitions in order to host valuable artists as well as to create a cultural bridge between Iran, Turkey and other countries. 

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