
Abdolhamid Pazoki

Abdolhamid Pazoki  was born in 1945 in Tehran. At his 20s, he finished Tehran Fine Arts School and began studying Painting at the College of Decorative Arts. He received a Bachelor’s degree in 1962. Two years later, his first solo exhibition was held at Negin Gallery. He moved to Spain and continued his postgraduate studies in Printing and Painting at the University of Complutense in Madrid. He was the first recipient of the best landscape painting at the same university in 1980. A year later, he held another solo exhibition in Madrid’s Nolde gallery. In the same year, Pazoki returned to Iran and has been involved in teaching painting ever since. He has taught at Tehran University of Arts, Soore, Isfahan Art and Islamic Azad University. Abdolhamid Pazoki has so far held twenty solo exhibitions in Sala Braurio, Castellon, Sammer Marbella, Asar, Shirin, Etemad and many other galleries and has participated in more than one hundred group exhibitions. He has also attended several symposia and has judged several domestic and foreign biennials. Some of his works are available in private collections and museums, including Museum in Madrid, the Municipality Fine Arts Museum of Allon and the E.B.N bank in Madrid. Pazoki’s works have been under the hammer during three auctions in Tehran.

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